Sunday, August 18, 2024

Faust Napa Valley 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon


Faust Napa Valley 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon, $46.99-$64.99, 94 points, poured inky black with a deep purple/red penumbra, broad clear meniscus, and fat stained-legs.
The smokey black cherry aroma was nuanced with blackberry, lilac, and savory notes.
Faust gave us another typically full-bodied Napa dry red wine, but typical it's not, the acidity was good, the tannins refined and supportive, and the flavors addictively opulent.
The enduring flavors of fruit, herbs, and spice impressed, the 14.5% alcohol was spot-on.
Paired perfectly with my prosaic cheeseburger.
The best Faust Cab of the four vintages I've tasted.


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