Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Gattavecchi Vino Nobile Di Montepulciano DOCG Lamiaceae


Gattavecchi Vino Nobile Di Montepulciano DOCG, $23.99-29.99, 91+ points, poured a deep glossy ruby red with bourbon highlights, broad clear meniscus, and a sticky clear neckless of legs.
A lovely bouquet of sweet fennel, red fruit, variety of dried Lamiaceae, and a floral vibe pleased immensely!
Vino Nobile is almost always a great wine, after all, the vineyards were planted for the nobles, the price is usually reasonable, and this one is no different; flavors were earthy, rich, and enhanced with easy grainy tannins, good acidity, and an inviting mouthfeel.
Finished long, drifting flavors of truffle, mint, exciting spicy pepper, and a warm 14.5% alcohol were memorable.


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