Sunday, June 9, 2024

Michele Chiarlo Le Orme 2020 Barbera D'Asti (DOCG)


Michele Chiarlo Le Orme 2020 Barbera D'Asti (DOCG), $10.39-$15.99, 90 points, poured a deep ruby red color with a broad clear meniscus and moderate legs.
The earthy aromas were nuanced with hints of sweet cedar, cinnamon, mulberry, and just a gossamer whisper of smoke.
This Barbera D'Asti was medium-bodied, showed bright acidity, firm grainy tannins, and a rather complex array of developing flavors (way beyond its price-point), some were fruity, others herbal, rare floral notes, hints of chocolate, wood, and spices.
Finished long on the mulberry and a balanced 14.3% alcohol.
Paired perfectly with a number of cuisines, especially our spaghetti in marinara sauce.
Great table wine and QPR!


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