Friday, June 28, 2024

Tenute Silvio Nardi 2018 Brunello Di Montalcino


Tenute Silvio Nardi 2018 Brunello Di Montalcino, $49.59-$69.99, 94 points, poured a rich ruby red with caramel highlights, a clear meniscus, and sticky legs.
The soft floral aromas were nuanced with near ripe strawberry, black tea, and shoe polish.
The medium-bodied Brunello was imbued with grainy tannins, high acidity, and intense alcohol-infused spiciness, caramel, and bourbon with hints of hibiscus, mint, and oak.
Finished long on the trailing palate and a big 15% alcohol.
Paired perfectly with our spaghetti and meatballs.


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