Saturday, October 12, 2024

Seghesio Sonoma County 2021 Zinfandel


Seghesio Sonoma County 2021 Zinfandel, $15.26-$25.99, 89 points, poured a bright ruby red with a very broad clear meniscus with massive sticky and stained-legs.
Soft aromas of briar fruit, a floral vibe, and smoky wood notes were pleasant.
This is my twelfth Seghesio Zinfandel and a good one at that (QPR); bone-dry medium bodied, fine grainy tannins, good acidity, and tasty flavors reflective of the aromas with iron and pepper spices late palate.
Finished long, showed hints of rose pedal, iron, cayenne pepper, and a big but balanced 15% alcohol.
Paired perfectly with my spinach/cheese/ and beef ravioli.


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