Dancing Bull has a fairly pleasant aroma, and is quite substantial considering the light-bodied nature of this wine; having licorice notes in a bounty of grape-berry drink-ability.
Dancing Bull redefines wine values by making available a quantity-quality wine for occasions (Barbecue) that require several bottles of a Good wine that won't cost you a fortune.
I want to stress that this is a good wine, though not complex, not going to cause shock and awe, but will satisfy friends and family, and at 13.9% alcohol you'll not have reasonable drinkers stumbling around.
I purchased this wine at the Market Basket supermarket.
At $7.99 this is the best value Zin I've tried.
Gino's Dry Creek 2005 Zinfandel, $24.99, 87 points, has a cranberry color with a pleasant aroma. The 14.7% alcohol is not over whelming and adds to the aroma and the wine's complexity. Gino's reminded me a bit of Peter lehmann's Clancy's Red, and just as I found the Clancy's Red to be a bit unfocused, so I also found the Gino's Zinfandel to be a bit unfocused; neither of thesewines are bad wines, but price is important, especially as the economy falters.
Copyright 2010 Dennis Tsiorbas. All rights reserved, Template provided by Blogger
Copyright 2010 Dennis Tsiorbas. All rights reserved, Template provided by Blogger
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