New Hampshire Wine-man (Exploring the world of wine in the tiny State of New Hampshire)
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Game of Thrones Paso Robles 2016Red Wine,$9.15-$19.95,86 points, poured a deep ruby red color with a broad clear meniscus and moderately dense legs. Aromas were a bright fruity cornucopia with lovely cinnamon and floral perfume. Near full-bodied red wine with good acidity and mellow tannins showed an unusual flavor profile dominated by cinnamon: hints of candy-cane, red hots, red licorice, and red raspberry jam were a bit overwhelming. Finished mouth-puckering tart on the trailing palate and a well-balanced 13.9% alcohol. Six varietals were dominated by Zinfandel and Petite Sirah. Index-of-reviewed-wines Copyright 2010-2019 Dennis Tsiorbas. All rights reserved, Template provided by Blogger
Seival (Brazil) 2017 Chenin/Muscat,$9.95,87 points, was a pale yellow/gold color. Aromas were soft, but lime-y interesting with lemon zest. Barely more than light-bodied, this rather unusual white wine was strangely appealing; flavors were soft as well as the aromas which they mirrored, but overall a rather refreshing and unobtrusive tipple. Finished a bit tart, long, off-dry, lemony, with a hint of ginger, and a slightly weak 11% alcohol. Paired quite well with my red-chili pepper infused smoked oysters. Index-of-reviewed-wines Copyright 2010-2019 Dennis Tsiorbas. All rights reserved, Template provided by Blogger
Ravines Finger Lakes 'Maximilie' Bordeaux-Styled Red Wine,$22,94-$26.99,90 points, poured deep ruby red with a soft violet sheen, a broad clear wine ring, and light glass sheeting. Aromatic red raspberry, earth, and a soft floral vibe were quite good. Medium-bodied red wine with bright acidity, a firm plank of tannin, and well balanced flavors reflective of aromas delivered excellence. Finished long on the trailing palate, red plums, easy pepper spices, and a remarkable 12% alcohol. Paired nicely with our cheese burgers. Varietals were 60% Cabernet Sauvignon, 28% Merlot, and 12% Cabernet Franc.
Index-of-reviewed-wines Copyright 2010-2019 Dennis Tsiorbas. All rights reserved, Template provided by Blogger
The Loop, Marlborough 2017 Sauvignon Blanc(New Zealand,$4.76-$14.99, 87 points, was a very pale yellow/gold color grading gray to clear toward the rim. Bright aromas of grapefruit, gooseberry, and fresh-cut grass were excellent. Light-bodied with exuberant acids and rich balanced flavors reflective of the aromas pleased me. The rather short finish did add a bit of cantaloupe along with the fading palate and the well-integrated 12.5% alcohol. Paired fair with my chicken salad. Smokey, our rescue cat, wants to get in on the photographic fun; he's always welcome to join the party. Index-of-reviewed-wines Copyright 2010-2019 Dennis Tsiorbas. All rights reserved, Template provided by Blogger
Justin Central Coast 2017Sauvignon Blanc,$13.04-$14.49,89 points, poured a very pale brass color with a green sheen. Smells of lake water, cured-hay, and grassy notes were good. A light-bodied robust Sauvignon Blanc with good acidity and flavors reflective of the aromas proved a worthy white table wine. Finished on the fading palate, tangy on hints of cumquat and ginger with a moderate (for Justin) 13.5% alcohol. Paired well with my vegetables in a cheddar cheese sauce.
Jean Reverdy et Fils La Reine Blanche 2017 Sancerre,$21.24-$26.99, 93 points, poured a light yellow/gold color and transitioned water clear at the glass shallows. Aromas of lemon/lime and honeysuckle with a nuanced fresh-cut sweet hay were outstanding. A robust, crisp, floral, citrusy, white wine. Finished long and mustered hints of grapefruit, lemon grass, and ginger with a spot-on 13% alcohol. Paired nicely with my spinach/feta cheese pita. Index-of-reviewed-wines Copyright 2010-2019 Dennis Tsiorbas. All rights reserved, Template provided by Blogger
Simonnet-Febvre Crémant de Bourgogne (Chardonnay) Brut NV Sparkling Wine, France,$13.99-$24.99,88 points, poured a medium yellow/gold color with sufficient small bubbles. Smells were mostly fresh French bread yeasty with only a hint of apple. The creamy spritz of a Champagne carried rather simple flavors reflective of the aromas on a medium body, but acidity was good, and the overall QPR was impressive. Finished toasty, yeasty, and bubbly; alcohol was a balanced 12%. Varietals were 60% Chardonnay and 40% Pinot Noir. Paired quite well with my buffalo hot-wings.
Aurore De Dauzac Grand Vin Margaux 2015 BordeauxRed Wine,$29.69-$32.99,90 points, poured beautiful deep purple/reds with a broad clear meniscus and dense stained tears. Smells were rich blackberry liqueur, ripe black currants, blueberry, red raspberry jam, and hints of roasted coffee with a floral vibe. This was a big red wine with firm and drying tannins, but so fruity, so nuanced with floral/coffee bean flavors, and complemented with good acidity that I found it quite drinkable. Finished strong on the blueberry and red raspberry with hints of mint, plum, a bit of oak, and a warm 14% alcohol-infused spiciness. Varietals were 62% Cabernet Sauvignon and 38% Merlot. Paired perfectly with my Texas burger. Bordeaux Red Wine Vintage 2015 Index-of-reviewed-wines Copyright 2010-2019 Dennis Tsiorbas. All rights reserved, Template provided by Blogger
Minuty 'M' Provence Côtes de Provence 2017 Rosé,$13.59-$18.99,89 points, was a pale medium salmon pink color. smells of watermelon and strawberry were excellent. Light-bodied Rosé with bright acidity and flavors of strawberries, Necco wafers, and thin tart maraschino cherry. Finished well on the fading palate, a hint of ginger, and a balanced13% alcohol. Paired fine with my spicy Mexican cuisine.
Château Haut-Chaigneau LaLande De Pomerol 2015 BordeauxRed Wine,$19.12-$22.49,91 points, poured core black grading deep garnet reds with a bright meniscus and thick stained legs. Aromatic cornucopia of fruits with soft rose, cinnamon, and cedar were outstanding. Full-bodied red wine with excited acidity and gripping grainy tannins delivered a 'unique' flavor blend consisting of coffee, Moxie-cola, boysenberry jam, and anise. Finished long on the trailing palate, iron, and a well balanced 14% alcohol. Paired okay with my rack of Australian lamb. Bordeaux Red Wine Vintage 2015
Index-of-reviewed-wines Copyright 2010-2019 Dennis Tsiorbas. All rights reserved, Template provided by Blogger
Tiki Estate, Hawk's Bay, 2014 Chardonnay(New Zealand),$10.99-$21.99,87 points, was a dark glossy gold color. First pour smell was Riesling-like petrol followed by toasty apple and fresh bread yeastiness. More than medium-bodied, this NZ Chardonnay was dominated by oak, but with fair acidity managed to deliver, on a rather smooth mouth-feel, satisfactory flavors of Chardonnay-specific grape, apple, and cantaloupe. Finished long on orange zest, a hint of ginger, and a balanced 13.5% alcohol. Paired fine with my BLT. Index-of-reviewed-wines Copyright 2010-2019 Dennis Tsiorbas. All rights reserved, Template provided by Blogger
Domaine Pinson Frères Grand Vin De Bourgogne 2016 Chablis,$25.49-$29.99,91 points, was a glossy medium yellow/gold color and water clear at the glass edge. First pour wafted apples and lemon aromas with a developing floral vibe. Light-bodied white wine with bright acidity delivered a customary wet stoniness with lemon/lime and apple flavors. Finished with hints of pear, trailing apple notes, easy ginger, and a well-balanced 12.5% alcohol. Paired perfectly with my veggie/sausage grinder. Index-of-reviewed-wines
Copyright 2010-2019 Dennis Tsiorbas. All rights reserved, Template provided by Blogger
Noble Vines '446' San Bernabe, Monterey 2013Chardonnay,$11.89-$13.99,87 points, poured a medium yellow/gold color clearing at the glass shallows. Soft aromas of orange-melons with a hint of lemon was pleasant. Crisp medium-bodied Chardonnay with good acidity delivered a restrained oak base flavor profile garnished with Chardonnay-specific grape, a hint of cantaloupe, and subtle pineapple. Finished long on kiwi, 14.5% warm alcohol inspirited white pepper, and a hint of dragon fruit. Paired fine with my BLT. Index-of-reviewed-wines Copyright 2010-2019 Dennis Tsiorbas. All rights reserved, Template provided by Blogger
Buried Cane Columbia Valley 2013Chardonnay,$12.99-$14.99,89 points, poured a deep glossy brass color that graded to a bluish grey at the glass edge. Lovely aromas of honeysuckle with hints of pine and Necco wafer were delightful. Round medium-bodied white wine with fair-plus acidity was unobtrusively delicious. Flavors reminiscent of the aromas were pervasive and nuanced with soft ginger notes and a 13.7% alcohol. Paired great with our chef salad and fried chicken. Index-of-reviewed-wines Copyright 2010-2019 Dennis Tsiorbas. All rights reserved, Template provided by Blogger
Château Fleur Cardinale, Saint-Émilion, Grand Cru Classé 2015 Bordeaux Red Wine, $43.77-$51.49,96 points, poured black with layers of purple red, a bright meniscus, and dense stained legs. Aromatic loam, Bordeaux lily, and a cornucopia of black fruits were exceptional. Silky full-bodied red wine with good acidity and remarkably manageable tannins (drink now and for many years to follow) carried flavors reflective of the aromas. Finished long on red raspberry, alcohol (15%) inspirited warm pepper spices, blackberry liqueur, and truffles. Paired perfectly with my provincial hamburger pizza. Varietals were 75% Merlot, 15% Cabernet Franc, and 10% Cabernet Sauvignon.
Ravines White Springs Vineyard Finger Lakes 2016 Dry Riesling,$22.10-$25.99,90 points, poured a light yellow/gold color. First whiff was petrol, but was quickly garnished with pleasant apple and lemon notes. With a round medium body, this divergent Ravines Riesling showed a fair-plus acidity with delicious flavors reflective of the aromas. Finished tart, tangy, marked by ginger and a spot-on 12.5% alcohol. Paired well with our roast chicken. Index-of-reviewed-wines Copyright 2010-2019 Dennis Tsiorbas. All rights reserved, Template provided by Blogger
Hess Select North Coast 2017 sauvignon Blanc,$7.99-$15.99,88 points, was a medium brass color with a yellow/green cast. Quiet smells of grass and hay were okay. Light-bodied white wine with appropriate acidity managed good flavors of passion fruit with a hint of peach. Finished a bit sour with hints of lemon and lime, and a well balanced 13.5% alcohol. Paired fine with my New England clam chowder.
Dibon N/V Brut Cava Rosé (Spain),$10.19-$13.99,90 points, poured with a massive head of foam and erupted continuously with small bubbles for an extended period of time; color was a dark salmon pink. The aroma was a red cherry Kool-aide. Light-bodied, brut-dry, mouth-tingling, crisp acidity, flavors of watermelon, weak strawberry, and a bland cherry pie demonstrated the glories of gestalt over the parts. Finished long on the fading everything and nuanced with a spot-on 11.5% alcohol. Paired perfectly with my Mexican cuisine.
Villa De Corlo 'Corleto' 2019 Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro (D.O.C.), $18.95,88 points, poured with a dense head of foam, more than I would have expected from afrizzante styled wine; colors were near black purple/reds with thick stained legs. Dense profuse aromas of black currants, blackberry, and blueberry with a hint of celery were new to me, but then again so is Lambrusco. Full-bodied dry sparkling red wine with good acidity and surprisingly firm tannins delivered a uniquely vibrant fruity tipple. Finished long on the fading palate nuanced with what I can only describe as a pleasant cardboard flavor, and a comfortable 11% alcohol. Paired okay with my provolone hamburger marinara wrap. This was the first serious Lambrusco that I have seen in New Hampshire. Index-of-reviewed-wines Copyright 2010-2019 Dennis Tsiorbas. All rights reserved, Template provided by Blogger ,.
Glen Carlou 2015 Chardonnay(South Africa),$6.99-$14.99,88 points, poured a medium glossy gold color fading at the glass shallows. Apple smells were swimmingly nuanced with honeysuckle and a bit of smoky oak. Closely resembling many Cali-styled Chardonnay, but with a slightly more restrained oakiness; flavors reflected the aromas, acidity was fair-plus, and the mouth-feel was soft. Finished a bit tangy on a slightly sour orange note, good white pepper, and a well-balanced 13.5% alcohol. Paired well with our roast chicken and mashed potatoes in gravy. Index-of-reviewed-wines Copyright 2010-2019 Dennis Tsiorbas. All rights reserved, Template provided by Blogger
CAMILLE CAYRAN Côtes du Rhône Villages'Le Chéne Noir' 2017 Red Wine,$13.99-$18.99,88 points, poured an impregnable purple/red with a broad penumbra of Welch's grape-juice purple, a clear meniscus, and stained heavy tears. Profuse aromas of mulberry, blackberry, juniper, and sweet red raspberry were pleasant. Full-bodied red wine with good acidity and firm grainy tannins delivered a fruit-forward palate. Finished long on the fading palate, a bit herbal, developing pepper spiciness, and a warm 14.5% alcohol. After trying disappointedly two divergent white wines with my smoked German baloney provolone grilled-cheese, this Côtes du Rhône red wine was more than satisfactory. Varietals were 50% Grenache, 30% Syrah, and 20% Carignan. Index-of-reviewed-wines Copyright 2010-2019 Dennis Tsiorbas. All rights reserved, Template provided by Blogger