Eight Years, 3,000 Posts, and a Few Good Friends Later on a Rough Trail Experiencing Wines!
I still stop for one of my "go to" wines.
I'm always amazed at just how fast time flies; it seems like yesterday I began this sometimes blusterous business of blogging, but it has been a decidedly difficult and demanding discipline regardless of what some may assume (I've seen many come and go).
If you've been following me, my blundering beginnings began here at Newbie Me And Zin, but along the way more graceful people than I helped to prolong this sometimes and by 'all' (you know who you are) accounts less than honorable hobby.
Either way, I'm still here (three thousand posts later), still tasting and finding opportunities to engage others in the business of wine, proclaiming wine is for food, all wines are not created equal, and In Vino Veritas!
Ben, who along the way has been a favorite wine pal and inspiration, helped make this occasion so much fun!

à votre santé!
Στην υγειά σας
3,000 posts? Congratulations and here's to 3,000 more!
ReplyDelete(Nice SB.)
VG: Thank you! And I hope so!