Christmas photo gallery is my way of saying: How do I (you) buy someone a bottle of wine for Christmas?
1. How much do you want to pay?
2. What varietal (grape type i.e. Merlot etc. White or Red) are you looking for?
3. Do you want to order wine through a package carrier? I've prided myself on buying almost every wine here in NH, so ordering wine through the mail is not my forte, and checking with shippers and wineries is necessary to verify that they are approved by the Sate of New Hampshire to ship here. Damaged bottles is always a possibility.
Recently a store clerk from Market basket asked me what Cabernet Sauvignon wine I recommended for under $15, and the above questions were what I asked him.
If you are looking for Barefoot or Twin Oak wines, then almost no thought at all is required (Some will be thrilled with those wines), but if you are looking for something just a bit out of the norm, intriguing, personal, and yes, available, then just a few minutes will yield a "treasure" for that "someone" special.
I have two very special wines given to me that I'll always treasure, and I'm sure that's what you would want as well.
Feel free to ask me (See comments), and I'll do my best to get you a personalized answer.
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